Alpha Vista Dynamic Equity Fund

Investment Objective


The Alpha Vista Dynamic Equity Fund (Fund) aims to achieve relative outperformance in investment returns over the medium to long term by capitalising on equity market upswings. Additionally, the Fund aims to limit portfolio drawdowns during periods of market stress, providing genuine diversification to existing portfolios or managers.

Fund Information


Inception Date 

1 January 2025 

APIR Code  QWF5685AU 
Management Fee  1.00%  
Performance Fee^  15%  
Benchmark  S&P 500 Total Return Index (AUD Hedged) 
Buy/Sell spread  0.20% / 0.20% 
Base currency  AUD 
Min. Investment  $20,000 (additional $5k) 

^of NAV exceeding High Water Market and benchmark performance.

Pricing & Performance

Fund Documents


Information Memorandum

Fund Profile – Back tested results Monthly Performance Fact Sheet (Coming Soon)

How to apply

For more information on our Fund or to make an application enquiry, please contact one of our distribution representatives:

David Storm

Chief Marketing & Distribution Officer
M: 0411 776 955

Tom Power
Senior Distribution Manager
M: 0438 349 076



This information has been prepared by Alpha Vista Investment Managers Pty Limited ABN 15 646 453 581 (AVIM) who is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alpha Vista Financial Services Holdings Pty Limited ABN 70 616 406 403 (Company). AVIM is authorised to provide General Product Advice under a Corporate Authorised Representation (CAR No. 1289007) from Quay Wholesale Fund Services Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 528 526).

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